Monday, February 5, 2007
Help Establish A Catholic Radio Station
in the Washington Area!
Catholic Radio Plans for 2007: We have nearly completed a major revision of our plan to establish a Catholic Radio station in the Washington area. Check back later for more information.
Listen to our Internet Broadcast: Tune into our streaming audio broadcast 24 hours a day! These are some of the shows you will be able to hear on your radio once we establish our Catholic Radio station.
Click here to tune in now!
Click here to see our Internet program schedule
Programs run sequentially and are looped all day long.
We Need Your Support:
We can’t succeed without YOUR financial help.
Click here to make a tax-deductible donation online
Or you can mail your tax-deductible contribution to Holy Family Communications, P.O. Box 7505, Arlington, Virginia, 22207.
Thank you in advance for your support! Please keep our Catholic Radio efforts in your prayers.
Please visit our sponsor, TotallyCatholic.com…

Holy Family Communications
P.O. Box 7505
Arlington, Virginia 22207
Lawrence Kapp, President: 703-786-3218
Bishop of Arlington commends our efforts. (More…)